Sunday, December 31, 2006

The old East Side

In my mind I am still drinking that very first beer in a little neighborhood bar on the east side of Detroit. You know the place on Celestine? Fordham Bar, I think it was. All of the Methrics were there, because this was way before the split between Johnny and Jimmy. We were watching Danny, I think, playing with the band. I remember there were a lot of girls there, older girls, and everyone seemed so happy. I always looked up to them so much. And now it’s been such a long time since I’ve been happy.

I worry if I’ll know how to be happy when I go home.


Blogger Unknown said...

You'll know. Trust me. You are tired and you've seen alot. Seeing the end is almost unimaginable. Maybe you fear the guilt of leaving people behind - but remember this, most (granted - not all) will rotate back home - just like others before you did. They came home to their families and their lives. You will, too. You forget that we are looking forward to moving on with our lives - which have changed, too. We're looking forward to moving on together - better than before because we will have the knowledge of what it is like to be so separated from each other. Anais, Jack and I are waiting for you...waiting for "us." Therein lies our hope and happiness. Trust me.

December 31, 2006 12:16 PM  
Blogger KAB said...

Trust that wife of yours! She knows wherein she speaks-- she is definately a keeper!
Did I know about that first beer with the Methrics?

Guess what-- they all look up to you now!!!!!

Yo Yo

December 31, 2006 4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I haven't seen too much. The time away is usually harder than the war itself. I just get in moods sometimes, and my imagination runs wild. I need to throw myself into a good book for the next week.

Don't worry about me. I will be happy.

And Mom, it was only one beer, I swear. And I was 21!

January 01, 2007 12:24 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

Lisanne, I do trust you.

January 01, 2007 4:32 AM  

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